Survival When SHTF

Isn’t life funny? You never know what’s around the corner. You may think you’re prepared for the worst, but how can you be sure when you don’t know what you’re preparing for? Stay tuned for our tips on survival when SHTF.

In this article, we’ll be explaining how you can prepare for the unexpected, and all of the eventualities you may not know how to prepare for. The type of SHTF scenario can depend on what state you live in. Different states have different weather conditions and economics. 

Part of preparing for SHTF is choosing which state you want to live in, and deciding where you don’t want to be. In other words, you should be willing to bug out.

We appreciate that this is not easy for everybody. Most people are not in a position of luxury where they can choose where to live, it’s not that simple to just pack up and move.

How to Prepare for SHTF Survival

Below are some of the many ways we can survive when the worst happens in the world:

  • Prepare a stockpile of food and water
  • Do not panic – take time to think and make rational decisions
  • Don’t trust everything on the news
  • Plan in advance and stay aware of global events
  • Take advantage of government aid
  • Be willing to bug out
  • Get access to a bunker
  • Get self-defense equipment
  • Be careful
  • Prioritise security
  • Don’t trust people you don’t know
  • Stay indoors
  • Do not break the law

Preparing a Stockpile of Food and Water for SHTF

cans of campbells chicken soup food

Everybody’s pantry should be full regardless of whether they are a prepper or not. The best thing to stockpile for SHTF survival is canned food and bottled water. This is because canned food lasts decades due to the way it’s processed. Additionally, water also takes years to expire. In fact, the expiration date on bottled water is for the bottle.

On the other hand, if you plan to survive in a bunker then try to prevent the can from getting wet because it will rust and your food will not be edible.

Another option for liquid consumption is powdered milk, which lasts indefinitely, according to the USDA. There is a “best before” date, which is around 18 months. So this is a great alternative to water for those who want options.

Where to Store Your Food and Drink

The best place to store your stockpile is in your survival bunker or shelter. Make sure that your goods are kept dry and are stored at room temperature. If you do not yet have a bunker or shelter, then a garage or basement would work just as well.

Or failing that, a pantry will do just fine, but this will enable you to eat into your stockpile collection since it’s so close to the kitchen you use on an everyday basis.

Do Not Panic

don't panic

Panicking causes us to rush and make irrational decisions that don’t often work out in our favor. As hard as it sounds – when SHTF, try and take a minute to think strategically and think through your actions.

Once you start to think methodically, you’ll make smart decisions that will save your life and enable you to survive longer.

Besides, if you have everything prepared for when things go south, this will cause you to panic less because you’ll be able to counter any obstacles easier due to the steps you’ve taken to be ready.

This is vital when it comes to surviving SHTF.

Don’t Trust Everything on the News

Try not to believe everything you hear on the news. A lot of it is scare-mongering, and if you’re a seasoned prepper then you’ll have reliable sources that you trust.

These said sources will feed you valuable information that you can rely on and will even help you become a better prepper.

A lot of reporters try to sell their stories and to achieve that they have to over-emphasize the truth for it to become interesting. As a result, many people will spend time preparing or taking action for something that doesn’t end up happening.

Stay Aware of Global Events

Keeping up with what’s going on around the world is a good way of preparing yourself for any possible outcome. For example, at the time of writing, there’s unrest going on with Russia and Ukraine. Anything could happen from this point onwards.

If another country gets involved then it could result in war. Let’s speculate here, the U.S. could intervene and before you know it, there’s a way with Russia. It’s a good idea at this point to start preparing for that eventuality.

For example, if you’ve got your food ready along with your nuclear bunker and self-defense weapons you’ll end up in a position where you can hibernate until it all blows over. At which point, you’ll be able to return to the surface, and if you’re prepared enough then you’ll survive in a post-war world.

Take Advantage of Government Aid

In some cases, when a crisis occurs, the government offers some sort of aid. For example, when COVID-19 occurred, a lot of governments across the globe offered financial aid to those affected by Coronavirus.

These kinds of schemes are there to be taken advantage of. However, it usually comes at a cost at a later point. For instance, if it requires financial backing from the government then they will increase taxes further down the line in order to get the money back. But since everyone else will be going for it, you may as well too.

Be Willing to Bug Out

If you want to be the ultimate prepper with more chance of surviving anything the constantly-changing world throws at you then you must be prepared to bug out survive. This is the best way how to survive SHTF.

Let’s put it into context. In your state, imagine there’s a tornado and your home is at risk of being completely annihilated. We could have come up with a more dramatic and creative scenario, but let’s roll with this. If you’re willing to relocate after being warned your house is going to be turned upside down, then you will live another day.

Get Access to a Bunker


When the bombs drop your only hope of survival is to clear out your refrigerator and cross your fingers. Unless of course, you somehow have access to a bunker. Bunkers are the ultimate dream for preppers, this is a sanctuary for you to stockpile your food, store your survival kits and weapons.

Ultimately, it’s the difference between life and death when an apocalypse occurs. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to get access to one. Of course, you have to have some money in the bank to get one built. Or to at least buy the materials to build it yourself. On the other hand, depending on where you live, there could be a public bunker you could use.

A bunker will come in very handy and is a great asset for surviving SHTF. It’s important to secure this too, so one with a VERY strong door would be very beneficial because you never know who will end up trying to get in.

Get Self Defense Equipment

One of the perks for preppers who live in the U.S. is easy access to firearms and self-defense equipment. You can stock up on weapons, tactical vests, survival kits, and booby traps conveniently to build your armory for the post-apocalyptic or global crisis world. Sure, a few states require licensing, but it’s still very easy to acquire weapons.

A dedicated prepper would take extra steps to practice at a shooting range to ensure they’re well-trained in the event that they have to use a firearm. When SHTF, you never know what will happen.

Be Careful

There’s no such thing as being too careful. In fact, when somebody worries too much about being safe, the chances lean far more towards them being safe.

Preppers generally are careful, why else would they take all the measures they do? But once SHTF, it’s paramount that they are more careful and maintain the same standards to prolong life.

The world will be a far more volatile place once things go sideways, humans will show their true nature by doing anything necessary in order to survive. It will no longer be a society where everybody lives in tranquility.

Depending on what’s happened in the scenario of SHTF, the world may be very dangerous so if possible try not to venture out alone if possible. There will be people who will want to hurt you and take whatever you have.

So, if you have the benefit of being with others who are on your side then you’ll be more secure when you come across other people.

Prioritise Security

Extra measures for security will go a long way to prolonging your survival when SHTF. Specifically, reinforcing your living space is first and foremost on the list of security measures that should be undertaken.

If and when the world changes, crime rates will shoot up, and this will include home invasions. Therefore, preventing intruders from getting into your home, taking your things, and potentially harming you and your family is one of the most important things for survival.

Another useful commodity for security is of course the modern-day classic – CCTV. Furthermore, cameras can be used to monitor your assets and even make you think twice before answering the door. Just think of the purge in this scenario.

Do Not Trust Strangers

We’ve all seen it in the movies, the main character meets a stranger and begins to trust them. Later to find that the very same stranger double-crosses them and stabs them in the back.

People will manipulate you when desperation kicks in – some people do it in everyday life, so think about how extreme things will be when SHTF.

This is a key element for survival when SHTF, and sometimes you’re better off alone than with people you can’t trust. Plus, even your closest friends can end up stabbing you in the back. I know we’ve said about how you’re stronger in a group, but it’s also important to keep your circle tight.

Stay Indoors

When there’s a threat to life, the government issues a warning to stay indoors unless essential. The exact sample applies here. Moreover, the phrase “home safe” has never been more relevant in this instance.

By staying at home, you’re eliminating the possibility of encountering danger. You won’t cross paths with any dangerous people or situations. As a prepper, you should have everything you need right in the comfort of your home to enhance your rate of survival when SHTF.

If you’ve taken measures to secure your home, then you can make it into a fortress. Even if it’s inside a bunker, or shelter, depending on the scenario. You’re much safer with a roof over your head and out of the way.

Do Not Break the Law

Just because society has collapsed, there’s no need to do anything stupid that would be breaking the law in a normal world. Furthermore, it’s so important to keep a good moral compass and do the right thing.

To illustrate, you’ve just done something in spite of a temporary emotion that has a permanent consequence. Yes, you may have benefitted a small amount from breaking the law, however, you have to live with yourself and the guilt for the rest of your life (however long that may be). Always remember to do the right thing – think – do good, feel good.

In the same way, if you perform bad actions then you’re contributing to the world becoming a worse place. So when SHTF, if you do good things, the world has a great chance of recovering from the crisis.

Will SHTF Really Happen?

The world is more chaotic than ever right now. At the time of writing, we’re 2 years into COVID-19, and Russia has just invaded Ukraine. Consequently, anything can happen and the possibility of a third world war is more likely now than ever. Any country could get involved and set off a domino effect.

At the same time, any other scenario could transpire. For example, crazy weather conditions, food shortages, an apocalypse, martial law. All of these eventualities are on the cards and could happen at any time, so it’s important to be prepared. Just follow our guides and you can rest assured.